#: locale=en
## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = Orange Digital Centers
## Skin
### Label
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## Media
### Title
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## Popup
### Body
htmlText_097CFBFF_1AE8_CAF8_419E_253EF17FAB16.html =
Our mini Precision milling machine is a CNC that uses end-mills to form 3D model by cutting into the materials. You can mill 3D shapes, create molds and moreover, you can mill electronic circuit boards to create PCBs for your project.
htmlText_097D6FC5_1AE9_4B08_4198_068DA0B04987.html = A machine that construct three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. There are different types, sizes and methodologies for 3D printers, However, all of them simply build the model, with material being added together (such as plastics, liquids or powder grains being fused together), typically layer by layer.
htmlText_098925F5_1A17_5F08_41B6_D04E55FCD8D1.html = Laser cutter is a cool machine that uses a thin, focused, laser beam to cut and etch materials into custom 2D designs, patterns, and shapes. laser cutters create patterns and designs by cutting into materials. You can use it with wood, glass, paper, metal, plastic, and gemstone.
htmlText_0B013232_1A2B_B50B_41A2_B1E111D815CD.html = Our mini Precision milling machine is a CNC that uses end-mills to form 3D model by cutting into the materials. You can mill 3D shapes, create molds and moreover, you can mill electronic circuit boards to create PCBs for your project.
htmlText_0E31816A_1AFF_771B_41B0_96C6939E3D27.html = A machine that construct three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. There are different types, sizes and methodologies for 3D printers, However, all of them simply build the model, with material being added together (such as plastics, liquids or powder grains being fused together), typically layer by layer.
htmlText_0E3621AA_1AF9_7718_41AF_61520CCFD2F7.html = Our mini Precision milling machine is a CNC that uses end-mills to form 3D model by cutting into the materials. You can mill 3D shapes, create molds and moreover, you can mill electronic circuit boards to create PCBs for your project.
htmlText_0E657320_1AF8_BB08_41A8_FBCDED8E0D06.html = Laser cutter is a cool machine that uses a thin, focused, laser beam to cut and etch materials into custom 2D designs, patterns, and shapes. laser cutters create patterns and designs by cutting into materials. You can use it with wood, glass, paper, metal, plastic, and gemstone.
htmlText_0E831FF8_1AE9_CAF8_41A3_FADF72E0D5EF.html = Laser cutter is a cool machine that uses a thin, focused, laser beam to cut and etch materials into custom 2D designs, patterns, and shapes. laser cutters create patterns and designs by cutting into materials. You can use it with wood, glass, paper, metal, plastic, and gemstone.
htmlText_0E959E33_1A19_CD08_41B2_23E5BE855E77.html = A machine that construct three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. There are different types, sizes and methodologies for 3D printers, However, all of them simply build the model, with material being added together (such as plastics, liquids or powder grains being fused together), typically layer by layer.
htmlText_0EA917D2_1AE9_DB08_4198_92C9CCD93C70.html = Our mini Precision milling machine is a CNC that uses end-mills to form 3D model by cutting into the materials. You can mill 3D shapes, create molds and moreover, you can mill electronic circuit boards to create PCBs for your project.
htmlText_0EB68729_1AE9_7B19_4199_772FB7A9EEA8.html = A machine that construct three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. There are different types, sizes and methodologies for 3D printers, However, all of them simply build the model, with material being added together (such as plastics, liquids or powder grains being fused together), typically layer by layer.
htmlText_0EB7F3D2_1AE8_DB08_4180_18417DCC9DEE.html = Laser cutter is a cool machine that uses a thin, focused, laser beam to cut and etch materials into custom 2D designs, patterns, and shapes. laser cutters create patterns and designs by cutting into materials. You can use it with wood, glass, paper, metal, plastic, and gemstone.
htmlText_0EE2EE9C_1AF9_4D3F_41B5_6DD7ED773CBE.html = Our mini Precision milling machine is a CNC that uses end-mills to form 3D model by cutting into the materials. You can mill 3D shapes, create molds and moreover, you can mill electronic circuit boards to create PCBs for your project.
htmlText_0EF1FF0A_1AFB_CB1B_41A1_CA3C3AB6CB24.html = Laser cutter is a cool machine that uses a thin, focused, laser beam to cut and etch materials into custom 2D designs, patterns, and shapes. laser cutters create patterns and designs by cutting into materials. You can use it with wood, glass, paper, metal, plastic, and gemstone.
htmlText_0EFCF1D9_1AFB_7738_41B9_752C08C6695B.html = A machine that construct three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. There are different types, sizes and methodologies for 3D printers, However, all of them simply build the model, with material being added together (such as plastics, liquids or powder grains being fused together), typically layer by layer.
htmlText_134FFCA2_053B_1A39_4173_2AFF57498F2B.html = Is a digital fabrication laboratory with state-of-the-art digital manufacturing machinery (i.e., laser cutter,3D printers…etc.), the fablab addresses those who fancy the design, development and implementation of new tools. the FabLab shall sponsor and host many courses such as the maker diploma and the PCB Design and Fabrication Diploma.
htmlText_168839F1_05C0_E347_416C_175E92388F32.html = Is a digital fabrication laboratory with state-of-the-art digital manufacturing machinery (i.e., laser cutter,3D printers…etc.), the fablab addresses those who fancy the design, development and implementation of new tools. the FabLab shall sponsor and host many courses such as the maker diploma and the PCB Design and Fabrication Diploma.
htmlText_16EED01E_05C0_20FA_4191_C8C9C2FB54FE.html = Is a digital fabrication laboratory with state-of-the-art digital manufacturing machinery (i.e., laser cutter,3D printers…etc.), the fablab addresses those who fancy the design, development and implementation of new tools. the FabLab shall sponsor and host many courses such as the maker diploma and the PCB Design and Fabrication Diploma.
htmlText_171F5F5E_05C7_FF7D_4178_36E325A9BD80.html = Is a startup acceleration program that aims at elevating the startups and support them in their journey ( courses , boot camps…) , the overall aim is to enhance their overall portfolio to improve their financial viability and enhance their chances of receiving investment.
htmlText_17616C23_05C0_20CA_4194_A408D87D63B3.html = Is a digital fabrication laboratory with state-of-the-art digital manufacturing machinery (i.e., laser cutter,3D printers…etc.), the fablab addresses those who fancy the design, development and implementation of new tools. the FabLab shall sponsor and host many courses such as the maker diploma and the PCB Design and Fabrication Diploma.
htmlText_1C16014F_052F_0A07_4195_4E9428FA2C21.html = Is a startup acceleration program that aims at elevating the startups and support them in their journey ( courses , boot camps…) , the overall aim is to enhance their overall portfolio to improve their financial viability and enhance their chances of receiving investment.
htmlText_1C5DB66D_05FB_160B_4182_8519716788F8.html = Is a high-tech computer lab that targets elevating the overall understating of the new Software application and concepts, this applies to Artificial intelligence, Mobile app development, web development, …. etc. as well as other technological concepts such as block chain and IoT.
htmlText_1DEBF272_0529_0E19_4166_EA08291D7293.html = Is a digital fabrication laboratory with state-of-the-art digital manufacturing machinery (i.e., laser cutter,3D printers…etc.), the fablab addresses those who fancy the design, development and implementation of new tools. the FabLab shall sponsor and host many courses such as the maker diploma and the PCB Design and Fabrication Diploma.
htmlText_6CF4F44A_6371_C8DD_41A0_C4DA4B64C35F.html = Is a digital fabrication laboratory with state-of-the-art digital manufacturing machinery (i.e., laser cutter,3D printers…etc.), the fablab addresses those who fancy the design, development and implementation of new tools. the FabLab shall sponsor and host many courses such as the maker diploma and the PCB Design and Fabrication Diploma.
### Title
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window_0C18BAAF_1AEB_5519_41B9_527A632590A7.title = Precision Milling Machine
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## Hotspot
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## Action
### URL
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