The design distric t is a global idea featured for the rst time in Cairo by LMD in reference to Dubai, London, and Miami. The latest project proposes an entire precinct dedicated to the passion of design in multiple & diverse sectors. The only place dedicated to design in Cair o. CDD stands as Cairo's exclusive luxur y distric t. It is fully pr epared to put the spotlight on Cair o. A Global C oncept No w in Cairo
Cairo Design District's composition is created from dots and lines inspir ed by the beating pulse of an eccentric design. A district where inspiration and creativity bounce back and for th between the mavericks of; Fashion, Ar t & Culture, Culinar y, Contemporar y Of ces, Hospitalit y, Enter tainment .
Diagrams are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only. All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only, and subject to change. LMD reserves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein.
Cairo Design District is a fo rw ard-looking immersive cultural experience that captures a moment in time. Episodic in natur e with a design that r ede nes what it means to go to work , play , or shop . A vision cur ated with inter active ar t installations and a lively museum. The overall design is a transformative visitor experience with micr o- environments, each with its own architectural identit y. T he Design of CDD Diagr ams ar e not to scale and ar e for illustrative purposes only . All rendering & landsca LMD r eser ves the right to make non-fundam ping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only , and subject to change. ental changes to the design provided herein.
Inspiration meets prime location Living at One Ninety translates to vitality aring from eve ry direction, whether within the mixed- use development or outside your intimate world. Sketched at the meeting point between Ring Road and 90 Street , One Ninety boasts six entrances for an uninterrupted stream of creativit y. With its private gate, located directly on the Ring Road, C airo Design District welcomes all global & local innovators with open arms . The monorail station on 90 Street , One Ninety , has a tube leading right into the development to grant its community access to all the exclusive "fi rst times" happening in One Nine ty . 90 Street Al Mosheer Tantawy Axi s Downtown Kattameya Cairo Festival City Ring Road Ring Road Al Amal
Planned for Master y One Ninety stays true to its voyage - centric vision with its latest projec t, Cairo Design Distric t. Master -planned by the internationally acclaimed SOM in par tnership with Po r tland, Pragama, EDS A, and WA TG . CDD is famous for its P ark perimeter road (252m) which is the anchor axis at the site. It links the visitors with a premium frontage of a park view from a 6m oor height for the F&B programs, with a VIP dro p- off at the south. The prime setting for luxurious retail. To tal land area To tal built up area Footprint Open space and landscape Number of entrances One Ninety CDD 344,315 m 2 460,766 m 2 73% 6 199,000 m 2 30,000 m 2 G+ 5 Diagr ams ar e not to scale and ar e for illustrative purposes only . All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are f or indicative purposes only , and subject to change. LMD r eser ves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein. To tal built up Hotels Retail Of ces Buildings height The Boulevard Cairo Design District AB D The Boulevard Boutique Hotel
Inside CDD
Fashion Designers The district for transformative trendsetters. The clothes whisperers. They know what's hot and what's no t. Both international inspirational designers and aspirationally growing and passionate ones will always have a place here to work their magic. For the love of fashion, all designers are welcome to show the color ful fabrics and gments of their imagination. Fashion Stores Premium Brand Stores Luxur y Bespoke Retail Convenient Retailer s Luxur y Showroom Retail Modern Po p -up P avilions
Diagrams are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only. All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only, and subject to change. LMD reserves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein.
Art & Culture Y oga, Fitness, Health & Dance Cinemas & Theatr es Event Centers & Ar t Galleries Interior Furniture & Accessories Outlets Handmade Designs Creative Ser vices Enter a clus t captivate an hand-selecte r of ar t & cultur e via a venue of dynamic ar ts & interactive galleries that will stimulate your ar tistic sensor y system. Ever y piece of work is meticulously with nothing less than an enriching experience as the standard. e d d
Diagrams are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only. All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only, and subject to change. LMD reserves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein.
This segmen gif t for ndin taste buds in with this ma is for a different kind of craf t. It's the z one for all ar tists that have a cultivated the per fect mixture of spices and garnishing them with avors that leaves our absolute awe. Raise your expectations as high as your avorsome fantasy wants terpiece of a culinar y experience. t g s Culinar y Artists Luxur y Fine Dining High end Casual Dining Tr ending Bar s Bistros International C uisine Experiences
Diagrams are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only. All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only, and subject to change. LMD reserves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein.
C ontempor ar y Off i ce s Y ou'll feel a bree ze of inspiration within the contempor ar y offi ce z one. The air is full of creative re ies hovering with ideas from adver tising agencies and digital media publishers. W atch the masters of communication in action and discern the originality of telepathic motion caused by TV /r adio/broadcasting offi ces and production houses . Creative Agencies (Adver tising, PR, Marketing, Digital, Events and TV /Radio Production Houses) Architecture, Designing & Engineering rms Consulting Groups (Business Management & Legal Advisers) Global Corporations (FMC Gs, Automotive, T elecom, Banking & electronics) Fashion Houses, Designers & Maker s CO -W orking Spaces for creative Freelancers and Star tups
Diagrams are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only. All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only, and subject to change. LMD reserves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein.
0 Here is where the spotlight highlights worldwide events . The stage for international enter tainment , on the soil of Cair o. It is intended to be the attraction for enter tainers from all around the globe and the spot all creators go to unwind, have fun, and get back to inspiring those around them. Arena for mega musical concer ts Ticketing and Public Events Entertainment
Diagrams are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only. All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only, and subject to change. LMD reserves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein.
Maestros of Hospitality Ideally situated i n the beating hear t of One Ninety's Design District are signature hotels that will open your eyes to the beauty of space combined with spirit to surround you with a fresh and vibr ant environment , enhancing your stay at eve ry touchpoint . Ideal for all the professionals in the business world. Compliment your visit with a full range of hand- selected amenities, an ideal location at the entrance of New Cair o, and the next generation of technology . To p- tier comfo rt for you to disconnect while always staying connected with eve ry thing happening in the world.
Diagrams are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only. All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only, and subject to change. LMD reserves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein.
Th e Boule v ard Y ou no longer have to travel thousands of miles to wander freely and lose yourself in a car -free street experience where eve ry corner is a lively ticket to endless enter tainment and discove ry . The Boulevard is One Ninety ’s version of Oxford Street in London and Champs-Élysées in P aris. Set to become a lively happening spot and a thriving social nexus for guaranteed fun. The Boulevard passes through CDD carr ying with it , aesthetic surroundings, grand encounters, and infi nite oppor tunities for sensor y indulgence, ever ywhere you turn.
Introducing One Ninety Mindfully master -planned by the internationally acclaimed SOM on an iconic lush land of 344,315 m 2 . One Ninety is a fully integrated fo rw ard-thinking universe, welcoming you with a trendsetting lifestyle. One Ninety is home to an array of global concepts that complement eve ry thing CDD represents. Star ting with the rede nition of branded residences, for the rst time in Egyp t, at W Residences Cairo to world- class hospitality with W Cairo hotel and Alo ft hotel. For the business mavericks at the Business Quar ter , you nd business dancing with pleasure at the roof tops and premium retail that neighbors its of ces. The cherr y on top is an Urban P ark that will ignite the cr eative re ies of all designers. One Ninety introduces The Boulevard, where you enjoy ultimate inter connectivity through pedestrian- friendly paths and br eathing promenades, bringing them closer to natur e and the mental clarity needed to excel. The location of One -Ninety gives CDD seamless connectivity to inspire ever y thing design related while shedding the spotlight on a whole new world of premium experiences .
Diagrams are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only. All rendering & landscaping visuals, materials, facades are for indicative purposes only, and subject to change. LMD reserves the right to make non-fundamental changes to the design provided herein.
The ar tisans of transformativ e experiences
About LM D Since its inception in 2007 , LMD has been on a dedicated mission to craf t transformative experiences through thriving communities and integrated destinations that put you and innovation at hear t. The company boasts a successful selection of projects, spanning rst and second homes, as well as iconic mixed-use developments with a strong foothold in Dubai, Spain and Greece. In Egyp t, the journey began with tw o distinctive projects in New Cair o. With an eye on excellence, a passion for impeccable taste and a commitment to exceed eve ry expectation, LMD is renowned today for its strategic locations, generous spaces and the highest standards of qualit y. The company strives to transform living spaces by craf ting larger than life places wher e quality seamlessly mer ges with comfo rt and integrated excellence, dictating the LMD experience.
LMD projects and locations Egyp t S TEI8HT - Mixed-use de velopment & Residential New Cair o One Ninety - Mixed-use development (Commercial, Retail & Of ces) - New Cair o W Residences C airo - Branded Residences & Residential New Cair o Cairo Design District - Commercial & Hospitalit y New Cair o 3'Sixty - Commercial (Retail, Of ces, Clinics) Golden Squar e, New Cair o Zoya - Second home - C oastal Living Ghaz ala Bay , Nor th Coas t Layan Residence - Residentia l Golden Squar e, New Cair o Aria - Residentia l Mostakbal City Dubai, UA E Continental T ower - Residentia l Marina - Dubai - United Ar ab Emi ra te s Rukan - Residentia l Dubai Land - Dubai - United Ar ab Emirate s Barcelona, Spai n Muntaner 91 - Residentia l Barcelona V oula, Greece A thines By The Sea
Our Partners LMD is committed to shar e its vision of progressive excellence with like -minded global par tners that have an eye on sustainable development . Therefore, the company collaborates with leading pioneers in ever y eld to bring a world of cosmopolitan distinction at your door . Sabbour is one of the most experienced engineering consultancy firms in the Middle Eas t. The company has successfully conducted numerous multidisciplinar y projects in Egypt and abroad for a range of clients including governmental organiz ations, NGOs and the private sector Skidmor e, Owings & Merrill (SOM) is a global ar chitectural, urban planning and engineering rm founded in Chicago in 1936. The rm has offi ces in New Y ork Cit y, San Francisco , Los Angeles, W ashington, D.C ., London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mumbai and Dubai. With a por tf olio spanning thousands of projects across 50 countries, SOM is one of the most signi cant architectural rms in the world. The rm ’s notable current work includes the new headquar ters for The W alt Disney Company , the global headquar ters for Citigroup , the restoration and renovation of the Wa ldor f Astoria in New Y ork Cit y, and Burj Khalif a Founded in 1965, Gensler is a global design and architecture rm with 16 diverse practice areas covering a broad spectrum of industr y sectors. As of 2018, Gensler operated of ces in 48 cities in 16 countries worldwide, working for clients in over 100 countries. The rm has launched mega projects such as SF O Airpor t, the Shanghai T ower (China’ s tallest building), the Coca-Cola Company Headquar ters in At lanta, John F. Kennedy International Airpor t, JetBlue T5 in New Y ork , and The Gate, Dubai International Finance C entr e Hill international pr ovides program, project management & construction management par ticipating in mor e than 10,000 pr ojects assignments LMS Construction was established as an Egyptian Shar eholding C ompany in 2019. LMS construction carries out mega construction pr ojects using agile pr ojec t management methodologies to tackle the challenges in a highly dynamic industr y
With a diverse por tf olio of over 100 hospitality projects, El Ghoneimi proudly specializ es in hotel architecture and interior design, fr om design to construction. Established in 1983, the rm today has a team of over 60 exper t architects, engineers, and consultants focusing on four key areas: architecture, interior design, consultancy and site super vision Bowler James Brindley is an interior design consultancy based in London. The 3 par tners work within the UK and internationally on r esidential and hospitality projects. They have designed projects such as W Barcelona, Majestic Florence, and One Cr own Place in London Since its establishment in 1945, WA TG pioneered in hospitalit y, tourism and destination design. Independent to this day , we are a global multi -d isciplinar y design rm specializing in Strategy , Master Planning, Architecture, Landscape and Wimberly Interiors. WA TG are a team of 500 creative, world-traveling professionals designing landmark urban and leisure destinations with eight offi ces across thr ee continents Pragma uk + Por tland: The leading commercial advisors for retail and mixed-use, workplace and transpor t companies that create stories and experiences that inspire people to connect with br ands and places LML T is a natur al evolution of two pioneer companies, merging a per fect amalgam of hospitalit y, retail, and development . LMD and TL T Concepts have joined forces to create a bespoke retail planning and shopping destinations development advisor y rm. Their primar y focus is being a comprehensive development consulting rm, offering planning, leasing and management ser vices of retail projects . RMJM is one of the lar gest architecture, interior design, engineering, and urban planning networks in the world established in 1956. They have worked on a selection of project such as Dubai Hills - Emaar Dubai, MSIC T echnological P ark - Cz ech Republic, and Dubai Design District - Dubai SHAKER C onsultancy Gr oup was established in 1982 and is a specializ ed consultancy and engineering rm. Since its establishment , Shaker has successfully under taken over 2000 projects of different disciplines to the highest international standards at both local and overseas market s Cosmos-E was established in 1999 to be a leading company in the field of engineering, design, and ser vices. Since then, Cosmos-E is dedicated to qualit y, value engineering and delivering on time W is one of the high end hospitality brands owned by Marriott International Inc. It offers an upscale life style bringing the best music, fashion, design and fuel to stunning global destinations and currently has 67 hotels and 17 W residences worldwide Marriott International, Inc. is an American multinational diversifi ed hospitality company that manages and fr anchises a br oad por tf olio of hotels and related lodging facilities. Founded by J. Willa rd Marriot t, the company is now led by his son, executive chairman Bill Marriott . Marriott International is the largest hotel chain in the world by number of available r ooms. It has 30 br ands with 7,484 proper ties in 131 countries and territories
Headquar ters and Sales Center: One Ninety - 90 th Street South, New Cair o, Cair o, Egyp t 16295